Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Blog #6

I thought the reading to be very ineresting, but nontheless surprising. I kind of figuered these types of things go on in the schools. Some people just like to make stinks of things.

Post #5

I dont think that the Media has to provide ALL the facts to the people like Mills simply describes it. I mean the information that the media gets is not even 100% accurate to begin with. Seriously think about it..Do you really think the government releases all facts on what our armed forces are up to? Or whats going on with our enemies? They dont because they want to protect us. Think about the tragedy of 911. Before it happend..we had been following terrists tail for a while, and knew it was an arising issue..but the general public was not informed because untill that day..there was no need to. Then Bush fabricated that they had weapons of mass destruction in order to justify going to war and let them know America does not tolerate being attacked. But do you think he would have as many supporters if he did not claim weapons of mass destruction? probably not. So I think the media is kind of like our babysitters, and the government is our parents. Our nation can't go anywhere without them. And we should not get all the facts, the typical person would not know what to do with them.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

3 Things. . .
Three Things that Scare Me:
1. Real Housewifes of Orange County
2. Spiders

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Lewis Black
2. My mom
3. My kids

Three Things I Love:
1. Family
2. Chocolate
3. Baths

Three Things I Hate:
1. Ignorance
2. Road Weenies (bicyclists obstructing the road)
3. Taxes

Three Things I Don't Understand:
1. God
2. Politics
3. Teenagers

Three Things on My Desk:
1. Box of gift cards
2. Pictures of my kids
3. TV remote

Three Things I'm Doing Right Now:
1. Watching "Next Friday"
2. Falling Asleep
3. Typing

Three Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
1. Travel the world
2. Make a profound impact on society
3. Save a life

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Play piano
2. Play guitar
3. Yoddle

Three Things I Can't Do:
1. Math
2. Drink whiskey
3. Yoga

Three Things or People I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Lewis Black
2. Pink Floyd
3. Your husband

Three Things or People You Should Never Listen To:
1. Jehovah's Witnesses
2. Your mother-in-law
3. Telemarketers

Three Things I'd Like to Learn:
1. French
2. Football (so I can understand what my husband is talking about)
3. How to fix my car

Three Shows I Watched as a Kid:
1. Smurfs
2. Mr. Roger's Neighborhood
3. Saved By the Bell

Three Things I Regret:
1. Getting duct taped to my paerents' front door on my way back from Mexico when I was 17
2. Not taking the difference in money and having a small wedding instead of a larger one
3. Going to Montana

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Post #3

I agree with some aspects of what Mill is trying to say, and to a certain extent I do not. For the most part, I believe every individual has the right to their own liberties. If I am reading Mill correctly he believes the government should interfere when someone is going to do physical or moral harm to another individual. Physical harm, yes I completely agree their should be some laws established to prevent violence to whatever extent it is,ranging from abuse to death. I mean we cant just go around beating each other when there are disagreements. For the government to interfere over moral discrepancies seems a bit over the top. I mean where do you draw the line? In today's society, everyone has their own standard or what is morally right, and come from different traditions and cultures that incorporate a variety of beliefs in how to treat others. But assuming that in Mills society everyone had steamed from protestant or catholic tradition, things might have not been as complex. But anyway, I disagree with interfering over a moral dispute, unless it is causing emotional or physical abuse. Your private life and relationships should be your own business. Society cannot function properly when so much time is spent trying to prey into peoples private life, instead of focusing on the bigger issues it might have.

Blog #2

Sorry, I thought I posted this last week, but something must have happend, so here I go again anyway....

Truth becomes a heresy when an individual is only taught on a certain level of thinking, or when a person cannot formulate objections without getting persecuted, then their individual human rights are taken away. They are degrading themselves, only to be as intellectual as their last generation. Where does the truth lie now, when the truth cannot possibly even be known? People might as become robotic and non-human. Society evolves because we have learned from history's mistakes. This practice is extremely dangerous because if people cannot make an opinion on things as a society the society becomes a totalitarian nation. It gives power to only one person or to only a few elect. When this happens an individuals God given rights are taken away.